How to Create a Project Status Report [Template & Examples]

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Published Date: January 8, 2024

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What is a project status report?

A project status report is a summary of a project’s progress. This report also highlights the project’s key achievements. It outlines the challenges faced and defines the steps ahead.

A project status report is critical for informing all stakeholders about the project’s health. It updates everyone on any issues or risks and the corresponding actions to address them. It’s a snapshot that captures the essence of the project within a specific duration and presents a clear picture of where the project stands regarding its goals.

The importance of a project status report lies in its ability to provide transparency and alignment among team members and stakeholders. By regularly sharing these reports, project managers can maintain engaging communication and prevent misalignments that can derail the project.

Key elements of a project status report

A project status report typically includes key elements such as the project name, date, and overall project status.

Project name

The project name is the most basic yet paramount element of a project status report. Specifying the project name is particularly important in organizations with multiple projects running simultaneously. The project name should be concise but descriptive enough to convey the essence of the project at a glance.


More than just a formality, the date indicates when a report was compiled and gives context to the information presented. It is essential for understanding the timeline and currency of the project’s progress. Regularly updated dates on sequential reports also help track the project’s development as it courses through the phases of project management.

Overall project status

This section provides a high-level overview of the project’s current state. Common status indicators include:

In addition to these key elements, incorporating the following additional components can substantially add more value to your project status report:

How to write a project status report?

The effectiveness of a project status report largely depends on its clarity, accuracy, and relevance to the audience. Tailoring the report to meet these criteria can significantly enhance its utility and impact.

1. Choose the appropriate report type

This step involves selecting your report’s proper format and type based on the project requirements and stakeholder preferences. For instance, some prefer a detailed analysis, while others simply need a high-level overview. The report can also be daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. The choice depends on the project’s complexity, the stakeholders’ needs, and the frequency of reporting required.

2. Tailor the report according to its purpose and audience

Once you’ve chosen the report type, customize it to suit its purpose and audience. This means highlighting the information that is most relevant to the stakeholders. For example, executives might be more interested in the project’s overall progress and budget status, while team members might need more detailed information about specific tasks.

3. Collect essential data about project progress

This involves gathering all the necessary information about the project’s progress. This data can include completed tasks, milestones achieved, budget status, and any issues or risks. Accurate and up-to-date data is critical for making informed decisions and keeping stakeholders informed.

4. Strategically arrange the project status report’s components

Organize the information logically and efficiently. Typically, a project status report includes:

The arrangement should facilitate quick understanding and highlight the most critical information first.

5. Incorporate charts or graphs for better data presentation

Visual elements like charts and graphs can make the report more engaging and easier to understand at a glance. They are particularly useful for showing trends, comparing figures, and summarizing complex data in an accessible way.

6. Summarize key accomplishments and next steps

Conclude the report with a summary of the significant achievements during the reporting period and outline the next steps. This helps provide a clear picture of where the project stands and what is expected moving forward.

Free status report template download

Download our status report template for free:

Types of status reporting

In project management, understanding the various types of project status reports is essential for tailoring updates to the specific needs of a project and its audience.


This type of report provides an in-depth, day-to-day update on a project’s progress. It is appropriate in fast-paced environments where conditions change rapidly. A daily report typically includes details about the tasks completed that day, any issues encountered, and immediate next steps. It keeps the team and stakeholders in the loop about the project’s daily developments.


A weekly report offers a snapshot of the project’s progress over a week. It’s more comprehensive than a daily report and less detailed than a monthly one. This type of report usually includes information about the key accomplishments, any risks or issues that have arisen, and plans for the upcoming week. It’s ideal for informing stakeholders about ongoing progress without overwhelming them with daily details.


Monthly reports provide a broader overview of the project’s progress. They provide insights into the overall health and trajectory of the project. They typically include updates on milestones, budget status, and any changes in project scope. This report is useful for tracking long-term progress and making strategic decisions, as it provides a more comprehensive view of the project’s status over a more extended period.


Quarterly reports are the most extensive and are used for a high-level overview of the project’s progress over three months. They are ideal for strategic planning and review by senior management and stakeholders. These reports often include detailed analyses of project performance, budget, risks, and opportunities. It also provides a documented review of the goals and objectives for the next quarter.

Project status report examples

Example 1: Software development project

A software development project’s status report might provide updates on individual features and sprint capacity:

Jira is an ideal choice for software development projects. It offers real-time tracking of tasks and issues and integration with reporting tools for automated report generation. It also provides detailed insights into project progress to help create an accurate and efficient report.

Example 2: Marketing campaign project

A project status report for a marketing campaign project might include details about milestones that have been completed simultaneously:

Organizing tasks and ideas visually in a marketing campaign project enhances clarity and creativity, making tracking progress and brainstorming innovative strategies easier. This is where Trello stands out. Trello can be an excellent choice for managing marketing campaigns because of its intuitive Kanban board and card system.

Example 3: Construction project

Many construction project managers focus their status reports on how much has been built and unforeseen delays that affect the overall timeline:

Robust project tracking features and real-time collaboration tools are necessary to prepare a status report for a construction project accurately. Smartsheet can be an excellent choice for this task because it can streamline the management of timelines, resources, and budgets. Its integration with various construction management tools guarantees comprehensive and up-to-date reporting.

Continue reading about the features and practical applications of Smartsheet: How to Use Smartsheet for Project Management

The benefits of a project status report

In project management, project status reports offer a multitude of benefits:

Overall, project status reports are necessary to maintain the health and direction of a project and to secure its successful completion.


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