2023 Review of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 ( CYFSA )

The feedback period for the review has ended. Thank you to everyone who shared input on ways to improve child, youth and family services.

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The Child, Youth and Family Services Act ( CYFSA or act) is the primary legislation governing child, youth and family services that are provided, funded or licensed by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. This includes services such as:

Every five years, we are required to formally review the act and publicly report on the findings of the review. The CYFSA was proclaimed in 2018 and the 2023 review is the first review of the legislation.

About the review

The review focuses on 6 key areas:

During spring and summer 2023, we met with key partners and stakeholders to gather input, including:

Next steps

The survey is closed and we are reviewing your feedback.

Our analysis of your feedback will be compiled into a public report scheduled to be issued in 2024. While we will review all information that we received, it may not be possible to address all the feedback in the public report.

Contact information

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more, we are here to listen and help. You can send an email to the ministry’s Child, Youth and Family Services Act Review Project at CYFSA@ontario.ca.

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