40+ GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts

Learning to use any new image editor is usually a long-term project, and GIMP is no exception. One of the best ways to improve your familiarity with a new app is to get to know its keyboard shortcuts since this process will also help you get comfortable with the new tools and commands that are literally at your fingertips.

Many people get stressed out by trying to remember all the new keyboard shortcuts at once, but this approach can be a bit stressful and counterproductive. It’s a much better idea to choose a couple of keyboard shortcuts for tasks that you perform regularly and use them until their second nature, then repeat the process with a few different commands.

Before you know it, you’ll be using GIMP like an experienced pro!

Keep in mind that this isn’t the complete list of keyboard shortcuts for GIMP – it is a selected list of the shortcuts used for many common editing tasks. If you have an essential shortcut that you think deserves to be on the list, let me know in the comments at the end of the post.